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2007 / 11
TheAnnual International Exchange Forum of Tsinghua SEM was held onNovember 22, 2007. Organized by SEM International Office, the forum aims to offer Tsinghua SEM students who are interested in the exch...
2007 / 11
Xie Fuzhan, Director ofChinaNational Bureau of Statistics has been conferred an adjunct professorship from Tsinghua SEM on November 22. The conferring ceremony was held at Shunde Building, Tsinghua SE...
2007 / 11

The 2nd annual conference of China Association for Information Systems(CNAIS) was held atKunming,YunnanProvince duringNovember 9-10, 2007. Over 200 scholars from home and abroad attended the conferenc...

2007 / 11

The 2007 Prize for Distinguished Service in Management Discipline has been unveiled on November 2, atZhejiangUniversity. Professor Chen Guoqing, Executive Vice Dean of Tsinghua SEM won the prize for h...

2007 / 11
Professor Barton, J.C. Penney Eminent Scholar Chair and Executive Director of theDavidMillerCenterfor Retailing Education and Research at theUniversityofFlorida,U.S.has visited China Retail Research C...
2007 / 11
The 2007 WAPE Forum (World Association for Political Economy Forum) has been held atUniversity of Shimane,JapanonOctober 27, 2007. Over 60 experts and scholars representing 15 countries attended the c...
2007 / 11
2007 Nobel Laureate in Economics Eric S. Maskin was conferred the title of honorary professorship fromTsinghuaUniversityonNovember 8, 2007.The day also saw the reunion of Professor Marskin and his fiv...
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