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2024 / 03

2024 Spring Exchange Student Orientation-GraduatesOn the afternoon of February 23rd, the orientation for international exchange students from the Masters and MBA programs of Tsinghua University's School of Economics and Management was held in Jianhua Building A503. The event was filled with a warm atmosphere, where graduate students from various countries met their Tsinghua Buddies through ice-...

2023 / 08

The two-week Global Management School Summer Program jointly organized by Tsinghua University and University College London (UCL) attracted nearly 20 students from China, India, Belgium, and other countries. This intellectually stimulating and culturally diverse academic experience aimed to deeply explore the complexity of innovative ecosystems and their immense potential in addressing signific...

2023 / 05

The 2023 Global Summer Program of the Tsinghua University School of Economics and Management (the program) was held online from May 22 to 26, with students from 39 institutions from 18 countries and regions participating. The total number of participants exceeded 200 throughout the five days of teaching, including undergraduate, master's and MBA students. This year the program took the online f...

2023 / 09

On the morning of September 17th, the orientation for Tsinghua SEM graduate exchange students took place at Jianhua Building A503. Exchange students from around the world actively participated in the orientation. Through ice-breaking and game sessions, students had the opportunity to learn about the university and the school alongside their SEM buddies.The representative of SEM International Of...

2023 / 02

The 2023 Spring Semester Exchange Program Orientation of Tsinghua University School of Economics and Management was held online on February 19. The event was co-hosted by the International Office, Undergraduate and Graduate Student Unions of Tsinghua SEM. There were nearly 60 participants in this orientation. In 2023 spring semester, Tsinghua SEM has received around 30 exchange students from 12...

2022 / 06

The 2022 Global Summer Program of the Tsinghua University School of Economics and Management (the program) was held online from May 23 to 27, with students from 37 institutions from 10 countries and regions participating.The total number of participants exceeded 400 throughout the five days of teaching, including undergraduate, master's, MBA, and EMBA students from world-renowned institutions, ...

2021 / 12

November 17, 2021The review team conducts a virtual visit.The Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB) Peer Review Team (PRT) conducted a virtual visit at Tsinghua University School of Economics and Management (Tsinghua SEM) from October 31 to November 3. The three Peer Review Team members were Professor Kar Yan Tam, dean and chair professor at the School of Business and Ma...

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