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Professor Wu Dong Elected as Council Member of World Association for Political Economy


The 2007 WAPE Forum (World Association for Political Economy Forum) has been held atUniversity of Shimane,JapanonOctober 27, 2007. Over 60 experts and scholars representing 15 countries attended the conference, where Professor Wu Dong, director of Center for Public assets, Tsinghua SEM was elected as the council member of the association and delivered a speech entitled ““Thoughts on the Labor-capital Relations”

WAPE is an international civilian academic organization founded on open, non-profit and voluntary basis by Marxian Economists and related groups all around the world.Cheng Enfu, administrative deputy director of Academy of Marxism, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences Chairman serves as the Chairman of the Association, and David Kotz, professor of economics at the University of Massachusetts Amherst and Research Associate at the Political Economy Research Institute, and Hiroshi Ohnishi, professor of economics at Graduate School of Kyoto University and Vice-dean of Shanghai Center of Kyoto University served as Vice Chairman of the Association. The mission of WAPE is passing down, developing and carrying forward Marxian economics; utilizing modern Marxian economics to analyze and study the world economy, reveal the law of development and its mechanism, offer proper policies to promote the economic and social improvement on the national and global level, so as to improve the welfare of all the people in the world.