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2005 / 06
On May, 18 th, the Tsinghua MBA Student Union - International affairs department jointly with the MBA International office and the MBA Student Affairs Office held successfully a cross-cultural and bus...
2005 / 06
SEM News Office April 20, 2005 The China Retail Research Center (CRRC) held its first Executive Committee meeting in Shunde Building at the School of Economy and Management (SEM) of Tsinghua Univ. on ...
2005 / 06
On April, 18 th, the Student Union - International affairs department jointly with the IMBA office held successfully a cross-cultural and environmental protection business discussion forum. It has acc...
2005 / 06
SEM News Office April 24, 2005 The Center for China in the World Economy (CCWE), Tsinghua Univ., held the round table discussion on Land Policy and Macro-Control in Shunde Building at the School of Ec...
2005 / 06
Prof. Robert Barro, world-renowned economist, visited and delivered a speech at Tsinghua on June 1. Tsinghua Vice President Gong Ke met and had a talk with Prof. Barro before the speech. On behalf of ...
2005 / 05
Under the organization of the Communication Service Office and based on a fifteen-day public voting process, the "Top Ten News @ Tsinghua SEM for 2004" have been recently selected. The final results a...
2005 / 05
Kasikornbank CEO Banthoon Lamsam Visited Tsinghua School of Economics and Management and gave speech to students May 12, 2006 Mr. Banthoon Lamsam, CEO of Kasikornbank, visited Tsinghua and delivered...
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