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2005 / 06
On March 11, Thai Chinese Mr. Cai Xufeng, Vice President of Chia Tai Group lectured in SEM “second classroom”. He talked about the relationship between I-go and management, sharing the management es...
2005 / 06
“One of the remarkable changes of the huge real estate capital market, is the shifting from equity market to debt market”, Dr. Tony Ciochetti, Chairman of MIT Center for Real Estate, commented durin...
2005 / 06
FromThe Wall Street Journal Liang Yingqi was frustrated. The chairman of toothpaste producer Guangxi LMZ Ltd. saw his company's market share shrink and profit fall after Procter & Gamble Co. and Colga...
2005 / 06

On March 12, Mr. Li Dongsheng, Chairman and CEO of TCL Group lectured at SEM international auditorium and delivered his brilliant speech titled 揌ow to Create World-class Enterprises in China? The lec...

2005 / 06
SEM News Office April 23, 2005 As the students and faculty are celebrating the 94 th anniversary of Tsinghua Univ and the 21 st anniversary of SEM, the opening ceremony of Independent Innovation forum...
2005 / 06
“Both China and US government wish no trade war.” US Commerce Secretary Carlos Gutierrez said during his one-hour dialogue with students from the School of Economics and Management (SEM), Tsinghua U...
2005 / 06
On May 16 th , Chairman of the Americas Region, McKinsey & Company, Michael Patsalos-Fox visited Tsinghua SEM and shared with the students McKinsey's perspective on corporate strategy. Professor Zhiwe...
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