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2005 / 11
Mr. John A. Thain, CEO of the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE), visited Tsinghua and delivered a speech in School of Economics and Management October 20. Tsinghua President Gu Binglin had a talk with Mr...
2005 / 10
On Oct 18, the forum of “China's Capital Market---Competing in Today's Global Economy” co-sponsored by Tsinghua SEM and American Securities Industry Association was successfully held in Grand Hyatt ...
2005 / 10
October 12, 2005 |Durham, NC -- Duke University's Fuqua School of Business and Tsinghua University's School of Economics and Management (SEM) in Beijing, China, have signed an agreement for an exchang...
2005 / 09
Tentative Schedule – HEC-AXA-SEM (September 26, 2005) September 26, 2005 (Monday) Meetings 3:00 p.m.Meeting with University Leader (TBD) 3:30 p.m.Miniboard (H. De Castries, Dean Zhao and Dean Ramanan...
2005 / 09
On Sep 5, 2005, AAPBS (Association of Asia-pacific Business Schools) first annual conference was held in Tsinghua School of Economics and Mangement. Deans from 45 foreign management schools as well as...
2005 / 08
Sunday, September 4, 2005 10:00 - 20:00Registration 14:00 - 17:00Council Meeting 18:00 - 20:00Welcome Buffet Monday, September 5, 2005 8:30 - 8:50Shuttle to Tsinghua University 9:00...
2005 / 08
Time: 19:00, Sep 20. Vanue: Weilun Building North 408 Speaker: Gregory C. Chow(Zhou Zhizhuang), Princeton University Host: Department of Economics
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