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2006 / 02
JAN 18 - Tsinghua-Harvard Executive Education Program celebrated its fifth anniversary inBeijingKerryCenter. Professor McFarlan, Senior Associate Dean of Harvard Business School (HBS), Ms. Kharajian, ...
2006 / 02
Through active participation of SEM students and faculty, on Jan 2, 2006, top ten news of SEM for 2005 was announced. They are: 1, Leadership Transition of SEM On Oct 21, Tsinghua University announced...
2005 / 12
TsinghuaCenterforChinain the World Economy will invite Dr. Shahid Yusuf, prominent economist from World Bank to discuss the property rights reform forChina’s SOEs. Dr. Yusuf joint World Bank in 1974 ...
2005 / 12
NASDAQ President and CEO Robert Greifeld gave a speech to Tsinghua students on Nov. 30. “Throughout NASDAQ’s thirty-four year history, we have always looked to the future, to the markets of tomorrow...
2005 / 12
| IAMOT 2006 China
2005 / 11
On the evening of November 11, 2005, during the 32nd Annual Conference of PIM in Prague, Tsinghua SEM and HEC Paris held a celebrative ceremony for the formal launch of their “Dual Degree MBA Program...
2005 / 11
Tsinghua MBA Team Placed 1st Runner-up at International Case Competition in Germany AviAsian, the Tsinghua MBA team, captured the 1st runner-up in the final of Business Masters?005 International Case...
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