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Top Ten News of SEM for 2005


Through active participation of SEM students and faculty, on Jan 2, 2006, top ten news of SEM for 2005 was announced. They are:

1, Leadership Transition of SEM

On Oct 21, Tsinghua University announced the list of SEM’s new leadership. Professor He Jiankun, Executive Vice President of Tsinghua University was appointed as SEM’s new dean and Professor Qian Yingyi was appointed as the school’s first deputy dean.

2, SEM’s Increasing International Exposure

The world-famous Fortune Magazine launched a comprehensive introductory article to SEM in its cover story titled “How China’s Best Business School is Rewriting the Nation’s Economy". The article gave very high opinion to SEM’s role in advancing China’s market reform, and this was the second time for Fortune to cover a business school in its cover story. Besides, top international media including Wall Street Journal, Financial Times, and Business week all gave high opinion to SEM’s rapid development in their respective articles.

3, Success of the First Annual Conference of AAPBS

From Sep 5 to 6, SEM held the first annual conference of AAPBS (Association of Asia-pacific Business Schools). Deans of 42 top management schools from the Asia-Pacific Region and 35 top domestic management schools attended the conference. Mr. Zhang, Vice Minister of Education, Mr. Liu, Chairman of Legend Holdings Ltd., gave their keynote speeches respectively in the opening ceremony. Tsinghua SEM was one of the founding schools of AAPBS while Dean Zhao was the Vice Chairman of AAPBS and the candidate for the new chairman.

4, SEM Became Formal Member of PIM

In the 32ndannual conference of PIM (Partnership in International Management), through members’ anonymous voting, Tsinghua SEM was accepted as the formal member of PIM, which symbolized the school’s rising international influence and the deepening of its internationalization.

5, Professional and Collective Students Sports Both Harvest

On Aug 16, Hu Kai, Class 16 of SEM won the gold medal of 100 Meter Race in 23rdWorld College Students Sports Meeting, with the record of 10.30 Seconds. This is the first time a Chinese athlete won the gold medal of 100 Meter Race in the meeting. In addition, Liu Qing, Class 36 of SEM, Won the gold medals of 800 and 1500 Meter Race in the 8th National Sports Meeting. Last but not least, the SEM team, for the seventh time, won the Collective Mayuehan Cup for Tsinghua University, which is the top award for Tsinghua’s Collective Sports Achievement.

6, Teaching Achievement and Best Course Awarded by the Education Ministry

A Project titled “Research and Practice of Open International Teaching Method” was awarded the second price in “2005 National Teaching Achievement for Higher Education”. The project was led by Professor Zhao Chunjun, Chen Guoqing, Tong Yonghuan, Qian Xiaojun and Chen Taotao. Meanwhile, In Feb 2005, Professor Li Zinai’s Econometrics was also selected as the National Best Course Series.

7, 6thAdvisory Board Meeting of SEM Held and Chairman Wu Bangguo Met the Advisory Board Members

On Nov 2, Mr. Wu Bangguo, Member of Politburo’s Standing Committee, Chairman of National People’s Congress Standing Committed, met with world-famous CEOs and scholars who attended the 6thAdvisory Board Meeting of Tsinghua SEM. Twenty-five CEOs and Presidents from BP, Goldman Sachs, Wal-Mart, HSBC, MIT, Legend Holdings, etc. attended the meeting. Professor Zhu Rongji, SEM’s founding dean hosted the welcome dinner, which Chen Zhili, Zhouji, Zhouxiaochuan, Wang Qishan, Liu Mingkang, Guo Shuqin, Wu Qidi attended.

8, SEM Sophomores Carried Out Village Social Practice in Gansu Province

From June 29 to July 10, a total number of 195 students and teachers from the sophomore year of SEM went to Gansu Province to carry out their social practice and research program. In ten days’ time, SEM practice teams visited more than 60 towns, 90 villages, 34 schools, 39 enterprises and 1090 families, held discussions with local governments, enterprises and schools for 53 times. On Sep 29, Mr. Luhao, Governor of Gansu Province participated in the Gansu Practice Achievement Presentation. He gave very high opinion to SEM students’ achievements during the project and held very interactive dialogue with them.

9, AACSB Accreditation Project Initiated and Made Notable Progress

In early 2005, SEM initiated AACSB business school accreditation project. In 2006, the project will step into a new stage.

10. Mr.Carlos M. Gutierrez, US Commerce Secretary Held Dialogue with Tsinghua MBAs

On June 2, Mr. Carlos M. Gutierrez, US Commerce Secretary came to SEM and held an interactive discussion with SEM MBAs, which gained wide international media coverage. The discussion was primarily about US-China Textile Disputes, Property Rights Protection in China and Mr. Gutierrez’s own successful experience.