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2005 / 11

July 17-19, 2006 Xi'an, China The 4rd China International Conference in Finance (CICF 2006 thereafter) will take place in Xi'an, China from July 17 to 19, 2006.The conference is organized by China C...

2005 / 11
During the 32ndAnnual Conference of PIM (Partnership in International Management) inPragueonNov 12, 2005,TsinghuaUniversitywas voted to become the 53rd member of the international organization, for wh...
2005 / 11
Country Time Location Singapore Saturday 19 November13:00-17:00 Swiss?tel TheStamfordRafflesCityConvention Centre2 Stamford RoadSingapore178882 Malaysia-Kuala Lumpur Tuesday 22November17:00-21:00 The...
2005 / 11
The International Exchange Forum was held on November 3 at Tsinghua SEM by MBA International Program Office. During the Forum, student representatives in the SEM MBA exchange program from 13 oversea b...
2005 / 11
2005 Tsinghua Open Day Schedule Date: Thursday Nov. 24th Afternoon Venue: Tsinghua School of Economics and Management (Room No. will be noticed later) Attendee: Director of Tsinghua MBA; Faculty and...
2005 / 11
The Center for China in the World Economy (CCWE) was formally launched on October 31. Located at the School of Economics and Management, the center is a policy research center for studying and promoti...
2005 / 11
Michel Camdessus, retired Managing Director of International Monetary Fund (IMF), held a seminar in Tsinghua SEM on Oct. 24 on international financing and poverty reduction. The seminar was targeted p...
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