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2005 / 08
In order to accommodate the development of economics inChina, promote domestic economic research and international academic exchange, Tsinghua School of Economics and Management has recently issued a ...
2005 / 08
On July 6,Kunming, the city of spring, hosts 2005 China International Conference in Finance, an annual event sponsored byChinaCenterfor Finance Research (CCFR) ofTsinghuaUniversityand MIT Sloan School...
2005 / 08
On the afternoon of June 21, Tsinghua School of Economics and Management, Tsinghua School of Public Policy and Management, National Ministry of Health and Harvard School of Public Health sighed the co...
2005 / 06
Center for China in the World Economy(CCWE), Tsinghua University is honored to hold a seminar on the briefing on China's Macro Economy for the First Half Year of 2005. CCWE will invite scholars and go...
2005 / 06
REE Asia 2005 Conference will be held at Tsinghua University, Beijing from 5th to 7th July 2005. REE Asia 2005 Conference will be the first international conference on entrepreneurship education ever ...
2005 / 06
The 4th SERI Strategy Seminar will be held on Jun. 24 at Tsinghua Univ. Here are the details about the seminar. Topic: Real Options and Corporate Strategy Who: Prof. Tony Tong, State Univ. of New York...
2005 / 06
Under the permission and consensus of Tsinghua SEM Executive Commission, Tsinghua SEM appoints Bai Chongen as the Dean of Department of Economics. Professor Bai Chongen became special-term professor o...
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