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Top Ten News @ Tsinghua SEM for 2004 Announced


Under the organization of the Communication Service Office and based on a fifteen-day public voting process, the "Top Ten News @ Tsinghua SEM for 2004" have been recently selected. The final results are as follows:

Tsinghua MBA Program Ranked Top One by FORTUNE and EXECUTIVE Magazine

After being selected as the "Most Valuable MBA Program of China" by FORTUNE in 2003, Tsinghua MBA is ranked Top One again in " China MBA Program Ranking 2004" conducted by EXECUTIVE.

Tsinghua SEM Held Ceremonious Celebration for the School’s 20th Anniversary.

More than 4000 alumni and faculty, Vice Minister of Education, advisory board member representatives, guest professors as well as celebrated enterprisers attended the ceremony. Professor Zhu Rongji, Former Premier and Dean of SEM delivered his autograph congratulatory letter. The distinguished guests who delivered their speeches include: Cheng Siwei, Vice Director of People’s Congress Standing Committee, Ma Kai, Director of National Development Commission, Liu Mingkang, Chairman of China Banking Regulatory Commission, Wu Qidi, Vice Minister of Education, Gu Binlin, President of Tsinghua University, Chen Xi, President of Tsinghua Party Council, Lawrence Liu, President of Chinese University of Hong Kong, Liu Chuanzhi, Chairman of Lenovo Group, John Thornton, Guest Professor of Tsinghua, Xu Kairong, Governor of Yunnan.

TSEM Fifth Advisory Board Meeting was Held and Zhu Rongji, Founding Dean of SEM Received the Advisory Board Members

Tsinghua SEM Fifth Advisory Board Meeting was held in Tsinghua University on Nov 3rd, 2004. The advisory board members held a constructive and heated discussion on topics including faculty development, research center construction as well as several other SEM’s sustainable development issues. On the evening of Nov 2nd, Zhu Rongji, the Founding Dean of SEM received and treated all the board members in the Diao Yutai State Guesthouse.

Department of Management Restructured to Department of Corporate Strategy and Policy, Department of Human Resources and Organization Behavior, Department of Marketing

Under the consensus of the School’s Executive Commission, TSEM decided to restructure the former Department of Management to Department of Corporate Strategy and Policy, Department of Human Resources and Organization Behavior, Department of Marketing.

The Number of Research Programs Funded by National Science and Technology Foundation Reached its Historical Peak

During 2004, 25 of TSEM’s research programs was funded by National Science and Technology Foundation. TSEM’s 40% funding rate is far ahead of the national average.

More than 70 Deans of Management School Worldwide Attended " the Forum for Management Education under the Context of Globalization"

To celebrate Tsinghua SEM’s 20th Annivesary, deans from domestic and international management schools including Harvard Business School, Stanford GSB, Cambridge School of Management, and HEC Business School gathered together in Tsinghua and held a heated discussion of the topic of "Management Education under the Context of Globalization."

The Center for China in the World Economy(CCWE) Established

Permitted by Tsinghua Executive Commission, the Center for China in the World Economy was established. The center is administrated by and financially dependant on Tsinghua SEM. Professor Li Daokui was appointed as its founding director.

Tsinghua SEM Granted PIM Candidate Membership

During October 27 to 29, 2004, Professor Chen Guoqing, associate dean, and Professor Qian Xiaojun, Director of MBA Programs, attended the 31st Annual PIM Conference (Partnership in International Management) in Hong Kong among 53 PIM member schools from all over the world. The Members of the PIM voted unanimously to welcome SEM as a candidate member, which was "never seen in PIM history". Tsinghua SEM will definitely bring unique contributions to PIM as the first truly Chinese B-school in PIM. Becoming a candidate member of PIM marks SEM's another step toward deepened globalization.

Special-term Professor Bai Chongen and Li Daokui Joined SEM Faculty Team

Former Special-term Professor Bai Chongen and Li Daokui became full-time professors of Department of Economics.

Tsinghua-Harvard Executive Education Program was Selected by Association of Pacific Rim University as the "Program of Best Practice"

In addition, the Top Ten News selected by SEM student body is as follows:

Tsinghua MBA Program Ranked Top One by FORTUNE and EXECUTIVE Magazine

Tsinghua SEM Held Ceremonious Celebration for the School’s 20th Anniversary.

TSEM Fifth Advisory Board Meeting was Held and Zhu Rongji, Founding Dean of SEM Received the Advisory Board Members

Tsinghua SEM Granted PIM Candidate Membership

The Center for China in the World Economy(CCWE) Established

Tsinghua-Harvard Executive Education Program was Selected by Association of Pacific Rim University as the "Program of Best Practice"

Special-term Professor Bai Chongen and Li Daokui Joined SEM Faculty Team

Tsinghua SEM Rewarded Mayuehan Cup for the Fifth Time

Zhou Mi Rewarded the 2004 Goldman Sachs Global Leader

EM Successfully Held Globelics – the Most Prestigious International Conference on Innovation