Xie Fuzhan, Director ofChinaNational Bureau of Statistics has been conferred an adjunct professorship from Tsinghua SEM on November 22. The conferring ceremony was held at Shunde Building, Tsinghua SEM. Professor Chen Xi,SecretaryofCPCTsinghuaCommitteeawarded theappointment letter to Professor Xie Fuzhan. Professor Xie then delivered a lecture entitled “the Prospect of Chinese Economy After 17thCPC National Congress”.

Professor Xie Fuzhan is a native ofTianmen City,Hubeiprovince. Born in 1954, he obtained a master's degree from the Huazhong University of Science and Technology. He worked as a visiting scholar in the Department of Economics atPrinceton University,U.S.during 1991-1992. He graduated from the public administration advanced training program ofHarvardUniversityin 2003. Xie worked as a researcher for theDevelopmentResearchCenterof the State Council until 1999, when he became deputy director. In 2006 he became director of the National Bureau of Statistics. In 2007, he became a member of the 17th CPC Central Commission for Discipline Inspection.