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2007 / 12
They are students; they are teachers, too. During the past half year since July, 2007, nearly 100 SEM students went toZhenhuaPrimary Schoolto be volunteer teachers. The activity was launched by Tsingh...
2007 / 12
2007 / 12
OnDecember 8, 2007,ExecutiveDevelopmentProgramCenter(EDPCenter) and Center forChinain the World Economy (CCWE) jointly hosted the 3th China Policy Roundtable Forum--"17th CPC National Congress: New Di...
2007 / 12
Children at Tianxin Houde Primary School inAnyuan County of Jiangxi Provincenow have more spacious classrooms as a new school building, donated by Shenzhen Alumni of Tsinghua SEM Executive Development...
2007 / 12
The award ceremony of 2007 Tsinghua University Scholarship for Economics and Management (Dow Chemical) was held at Tsinghua SEM onDecember 11, 2007. Six representatives from Dow Chemical headed by the...
2007 / 12
The Emerson Electric Company and Tsinghua MBA Association have jointly hosted "The Emerson Day" onNovember 29, 2007. Emerson’s representatives including Former CEO and Chairman Emeritus of Emerson El...
2007 / 12
Tsinghua SEM has successfully defended its top title at “12.9 Chorus Contest” on December 9th by collecting two top awards (award for comprehensive performance, award for artistic performance) in th...
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