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Tsinghua SEM Defends Championship at "12.9 Chorus Contest"


Tsinghua SEM has successfully defended its top title at “12.9 Chorus Contest” on December 9th by collecting two top awards (award for comprehensive performance, award for artistic performance) in the competition. It's the third time for Tsinghua SEM to take these two top honors at the annual chorus contest ofTsinghuaUniversity.

The first-year students practised nearly one month before they went to stage. Songs for contest were "Win the Praise from the World" and " The Spring Comes to the Battlefield".

12.9 Chorus Contest is an annual event held byTsinghuaUniversityin memory of "12.9Movement" that occurred in Dec. 9th 1935, when students inBeijingheld a patriotic demonstration to protest againstJapan's aggression. The movement later spread to other parts ofChinaand became a nationwide campaign.