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2007 / 12
Tsinghua SEM on-campus job fair (fall semester) was held on December 6, 2007. Organized by SEM Career Development Center (CDC), Thursday’s job fair targeted at 2008 SEM graduates, with more than 50 c...
2007 / 12
Tsinghua SEM on-campus job fair (fall semester) was held on December 6, 2007. Organized by SEM Career Development Center (CDC), Thursday’s job fair targeted at 2008 SEM graduates, with more than 50 c...
2007 / 12
Microsoft's Corporate Vice President Alain Crozier visited Tsinghua SEM and had talks with SEM students onDecember 4, 2007. Professor Chen Zhangwu, Associate Dean of Tsinghua SEM, Professor Li Daokui,...
2007 / 12
On December 3rd and 4th, three Tsinghua MBA students participated in the Clean Tech Forum inBeijing. The Clean Tech Forum is an opportunity for entrepreneurs from bothChinaand the world to showcase ne...
2007 / 12
The CUHK-Tsinghua Workshop in Accounting and Finance Program was held duringDecember 4-5, 2007at Tsinghua SEM. Faculty and students from Tsinghua SEM exchanged their views and opinions with 12 scholar...
2007 / 11
The 3rd Annual Conference of the Association of Asia-Pacific Business Schools (AAPBS) was held at Hong Kong University of Science and Technology duringNovember 25-27, 2007. The conference was seen by ...
2007 / 11
Tsinghua EMBA Program has announced the founding of its Alumni Association-Guizhou Branch onNovember 17, 2007. Dou Qiling, Chairman of the Board of Guizhou Yibai PharmacyCo., Ltd, alumna of Tsinghua E...
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