TheAnnual International Exchange Forum of Tsinghua SEM was held onNovember 22, 2007. Organized by SEM International Office, the forum aims to offer Tsinghua SEM students who are interested in the exchange program of the upcoming 2008 academic year more information about SEM's partner schools and to facilitate the communication among incoming exchange students and local students.
By now, Tsinghua SEM has 57 exchange partner schools around the world. One third partner schools are located inNorth America, one third of them are inEuropeand others are inAsia. The School has hosted 76 incoming exchange students in 2007 fall semester and will welcome more in the upcoming 2008 spring semester. The huge incoming exchange student body enriches the globalization and diversification of Tsinghua SEM dramatically, also bring more cherished opportunities for Tsinghua SEM students to communicate and cooperate with international students.

Jodie Hong YOU from the International Office made a brief introduction of the student exchange program. During 2007 academic year, Tsinghua SEM has sent more than 174 students to study abroad in our partner schools. The School will try to maintain the same scale and ratio in the coming 2008 academic year.

As followed, the representatives from 14 partner schools made the introductions of their home universities and programs, also with the brief information of their home countries. They were from:
UniversityofSt. Gallen, Swiss
WHU –OttoBeisheimSchoolof Management, German
KAIST Business School,Korea
Pepperdine University,USA
University of Toronto,Canada
ViennaUniversityof Economics andBusiness Administration,Austria
Manchester Business School,UK
NationalUniversity of Singapore,Singapore
Kellogg Business School,USA
Bocconi University,Italy
StockholmSchool of Economics,Sweden
UniversityofCologne, German

Another 22 partner schools who can not be presented at the forum sent their promotional materials to hand out to the students.The abounding and various presentations, brochures and booklets captured Tsinghua SEM students’ interests and aroused their passion to the exchange program and overseas experience. They showed great ardency in Q&A session and free communication. The school is emphasized on creating opportunities and providing more information for the students to gain more international experience.