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2013 / 09
Former Chinese premier Zhu Rongji’s memoirZhu Rongji on the Record: The Road to Reform 1991-1997 (English Edition)was launched in New York on September 9, 2013. Professor QIAN Yingyi, dean of Tsinghu...
2013 / 09
In his address, Professor QIAN expects the students to adjust their ways of learning as they embark on their college life.  “I believe all of you were good students in high school, by which I mean yo...
2013 / 07
Both the 12th Five-Year Plan and the more recent report of the World Bank and the Development Research Center of the State Council, China 2030, identify the need for China to become a leader in innova...
2013 / 06
Exciting ventures to improve the University locally, nationally, and internationally have been a hallmark of Mr. Levin’s presidency. Close to home, his goals have included improving the campus infras...
2013 / 06
Professor CHEN Jining, President of Tsinghua University, expressed his appreciation for BP’s continued support for the University, saying “As a leading company in the energy sector, BP has not only ...
2013 / 06
Class of 2015 is the 7th class in the TIEMBA program. We already have had 281 participants from 35 different countries since its inception. In your class, we have 39 participants, coming from 13 count...
2013 / 06
Based on the development status of Sentosa, a famous scenery spot in Singapore, the case set in this Challenge is to let delegates try to create new business opportunities for the development of touri...
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