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2013 / 10
China will adhere to the concept that science and technology constitutes a primary productive force and talents are the first resources, absorb advanced international experience and promote education ...
2013 / 10
Citizenship. Different from widely accepted idea of "corporate social responsibility", Ms. Nooyi considers citizenship as "how to make money" rather than "how to spend money". As the chief architect o...
2013 / 10
Professor QIAN Yingyi, Dean of Tsinghua University School of Economics and Management, said that the rise in global ranking of the TIEMBA program from the fourth to the second place, once again shows ...
2013 / 10
Soon after he entered the university, he recognized that his classmates were all top students from different regions in China. Many of them ranked No. 1 in the college entrance exam in their provinces...
2013 / 09
Dean QIAN made opening remarks, in which he communicated with the alumni about the school’s development, specifically the undergraduate curriculum reform, which emphasizes on general education and in...
2013 / 09
Addressing the students, Dean QIAN Yingyi extended his warm welcome to the students for joining the Tsinghua MBA program, which currently enrolls more than 1,200 students and has more than 10,000 alum...
2013 / 09
The Kulp-Wright Book Award is presented annually by the American Risk and Insurance Association to the author(s) of a book considered to be the most influential text published on the economics of risk...
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