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2014 / 01
Dean Qian Yingyi, one of the founders of TIEMBA, addressed the 2014 graduates. He congratulated the students on their academic achievements made during the past 18 months. Meanwhile, he expressed trem...
2014 / 01
To build a company that can improve society and help humanity has always been a dream of graduate student Jiake CHEN, currently majoring in material science and engineering at Tsinghua and also servin...
2013 / 12
Upon entering Tsinghua University in 2010, HUANG Cheng’s GPA has remained the highest among all students in the Department of Accounting for three consecutive years. She has also served as class pres...
2013 / 12
In a relaxed atmosphere, the dean and students dived into heated discussion on undergraduate teaching reform at Tsinghua SEM, especially the recruiting process. Dean QIAN Yingyi asked about the interv...
2013 / 12
2013 marked the 4th year of the collaboration between Tsinghua SEM and BMW China. Professor JIAO and BMW China jointly designed the course with eight lectures and two field study trips and coordinated...
2013 / 12
 An outstanding student in academic achievement as well as many other fields, HUANG Cheng is a member of the “Endless Water” start-up business team under Tsinghua x-lab. She contributed to the team’...
2013 / 11
President CHEN chatted with faculty and students from the start-up and innovation teams and reviewed the progress of x-lab. Professor ZHANG Wei, Director of Tsinghua x-lab reported the start-up proces...
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