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2013 / 05
The Tsinghua-INSEAD Executive MBA (TIEMBA) dual degree is certainly an impressive programme. Jointly run by two of the world’s leading academic institutions, it was no surprise when the TIEMBA went s...
2013 / 05
On April 17th 2013, 36 Tsinghua EMBA students arrived at Rccanati Business School of Tel Aviv University, starting a 6-day study trip. This marks the first time Tsinghua EMBA Program has set foot on I...
2013 / 05
MIT Lectures, a special lecture series of the Tsinghua-MIT International MBA Program, was taught once again on April 18, 2013. The first lecture was by Neal Hartman, Professor of the Department of Man...
2013 / 05
Though the anniversary day this year happened to be a work day, many alumni still overcame difficulties and managed to return to Tsinghua SEM to participate in the anniversary celebration. YUAN Yinqua...
2013 / 05
On Friday morning, at the familiar Shunde Building of the School of Economics and Management at Tsinghua University, Dean QIAN Yingyi gave a welcome speech to the TIEMBA alumni participants and congra...
2013 / 05
  American billionaire private equity tycoon, Steve Schwarzman has donated $100 million to endow a scholarship program similar to the Rhodes Scholars at Tsinghua University in Beijing, according to a ...
2013 / 05
  Countdown to 30th anniversary of SEM Logo of 30th Anniversary of Tsinghua SEM      The 102nd Anniversary of Tsinghua University: SEM Hosts the First Deans' Face-to-Face Talk with Alumni (April 27...
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