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2013 / 03
   CHEN Yubo   Even if CHEN Yubo is a stranger to you, you would not have difficulty spotting his face among the crowd that come and go in Shunde Building. He is about 190cm tall and smiles like an in...
2013 / 03
Members of the “Bioclean” team include Zhang Tianyuan and Zhu Shufeng, who are both postgraduate students from the School of Environment, as well as Wu Dazhi, Huang Yijing, Lv Zhe, Xue Yan and Mou H...
2013 / 03
I would like to especially congratulate two students for their best performance in terms of GPAs, and three other students for their achievements in writing the best theses.  I congratulate them for t...
2013 / 03
After a simple opening ceremony, one of the TIEMBA2013 students, Luc Liu addressed a heart-felt graduation speech. Accompanied by cheers and applause from time to time, TIEMBA2013 students "book of th...
2013 / 03
In the lead-up to TheEconomist’s China Summit, TheEconomistlaunched the essay writing competition inviting students worldwide, and particularly in China, to submit essays expressing their own views o...
2013 / 03
On March 7, more than 20 Tsinghua EMBA representatives attending Liang Hui (the Annual Meetings of NPC and CPPCC) came back to SEM to continue the tradition of annual gathering started since 2006 and ...
2013 / 03
On February 19, the Tsinghua delegation visited the Securities Commission of Malaysia and held talks with Goh Ching Yin, Executive Director of Strategy and Development. Goh highly values the cooperati...
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