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2012 / 12
China-Roots Program is a series of lectures and events specially designed for international students to gain understanding of China’s business environment and status quo of industries. The program is...
2012 / 12
Unlike many of her other peers, Nicole Youn (Tsinghua-MIT International MBA Class of 2007) who was a former professional synchronized swimmer in her teenage years in Korea, is now making a name for he...
2012 / 12
When he was just 17 years old, Anders Hammarback co-founded an IT company, today known as Mimers Brunn (www.mimersbrunn.se), one of Sweden’s most popular websites for students. He was subsequently se...
2012 / 12
On December 14, 2012, the Career Development Center (CDC) Career Talk welcomed Mr. Wilson Zhang, managing principal of leadership and talent consulting from Korn/Ferry International, a leading Asian t...
2012 / 12
The second honored guest of the night was Mr. Christopher Galvin, who is CEO of Harrison Street Capital and former CEO of Motorola. Mr. Galvin showed up with passion and vigor after the weariness from...
2012 / 12
  Jointly hosted by China Retail Research Centre of the School of Economics and Management (SEM) of Tsinghua University, Circulation Industry Promotion Centre of the Ministry of Commerce, Research Cen...
2012 / 12
The EMBA Education Centre of Tsinghua University School of Economics and Management (SEM) held a Press Conference on December 19, 2012 and unveiled an all new curriculum of Tsinghua EMBA Program, cons...
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