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2008 / 12
On December 11, 2008, six master students and one doctoral student from Tsinghua SEM went to Xiangshang School at Beijing Changping District to offer volunteer service there. The half-day volunteer se...
2008 / 12
On December 4, 2008, a delegation headed by Director General of Department of Social, Ministry of Planning of Chile Luis Alejandro Diaz Silva and Ambassador of Chile to China Fernando Reyes Matta visi...
2008 / 12
On December 4, 2008, the Tsinghua SEM Job Fair (Fall Semester) was held at Tsinghua Science Park. The on-campus fair, organized by Tsinghua SEM Career Development Center (CDC), has attracted 30 renown...
2008 / 12
The CEO of BP Group Tony Hayward visited Tsinghua SEM and delivered a speech entitled“Delivering Energy for Sustainable Growth” on November 25, 2008. Professor Qian Yingyi held talks with Mr. Haywar...
2008 / 12
Tsinghua SEM Assists the “10,000 Women” Initiative Jointly withYaleUniversitySchoolof Public Health “Management and Leadership Education for Chinese Women in Health Sector” is Launched On Decem...
2008 / 12
China has revealed 15 most influential foreigners for their contributions to the country's development over the past three decades on November 29, 2008. John L. Thornton, Guest Professor at Tsinghua U...
2008 / 11
The result of the first Pushan-BOC Award for Outstanding Papers in World Economics has been announced on November 13, 2008. Professor Bai Chong-en, Chair of the Department of Economics of Tsinghua SEM...
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