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2008 / 11
The 2008 Tsinghua Management Global Forum was held at Tsinghua University on November 14, 2008 with the theme of "How Chinese enterprises respond to global financial crisis". As the highest-level conf...
2008 / 11
McKinsey China Council of Business Economists has announced the recipients of the Inaugural McKinsey China Economics Award recently. Assistant Professor Chi Wei from the Department of Human Resources ...
2008 / 11
Tsinghua University and China Development Bank (CDB) have jointly announced to establish “Tsinghua University –China Development Bank Planning Research Institution”. The agreement on Tsinghua Unive...
2008 / 11
The MIT Sloan School of Management has announced to cooperate with four renowned business schools in Asia and Europe including Tsinghua SEM in launching a MBA program. The program will offer highly ta...
2008 / 11
The seventh Tsinghua SEM Doctoral Students Academic Forum was held during November 1-2, 2008, with 81 doctoral students participating in the forum. 12 graduate students and 10 undergraduates were invi...
2008 / 11
(Special Thanks to MBA Center) Associate Professor Roberto Rigobon delivered lectures on the US recession and financial contagion, and inflation and monetary policy to Tsinghua International MBA (IMBA...
2008 / 11
The first Tsinghua University Graduate Sports Meet has concluded on November 1, Tsinghua SEM has claimed the team champion title for Group A, women’s team champion title for Group A and men’s runner...
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