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Tsinghua SEM Partners with MIT Sloan in Dual-degree MBA Program


The MIT Sloan School of Management has announced to cooperate with four renowned business schools in Asia and Europe including Tsinghua SEM in launching a MBA program. The program will offer highly talented management students a chance to supplement their learning – and to earn a degree at MIT.

The program, which starts in the 2009-2010 academic year will begin with approximately 15 international students toward an eventual enrollment of 50. The new post-experience degree will enable students studying for an MBA at any of the four European or Asian schools to acquire the MIT degree in addition.

Tsinghua has partnered with MIT Sloan for a long time. The newly launched MBA program will contribute to the further cooperation and the resource-sharing between the two schools. “We are delighted to be associated with MIT Sloan for the new Master of Science in Management Studies,” said Professor Qian Yingyi, Dean of Tsinghua SEM, “The combination of a Tsinghua MBA and an MIT MS will appeal to many outstanding Chinese students.”

The three other schools are Fudan University in Shanghai, HEC Paris, and the SKK Graduate School of Business at Korea’s Sungkyunkwan University.