Tsinghua SEM Assists the “10,000 Women” Initiative Jointly withYaleUniversitySchoolof Public Health
“Management and Leadership Education for Chinese Women in Health Sector” is Launched
On December 11, 2008,Professor Qian Yingyi, Dean of Tsinghua SEM, hosted Goldman SachsChairman and CEO, Lloyd C. Blankfein at a dialogue with Tsinghua students to discuss the role of entrepreneurialism in economic growth.Hereat Tsinghua SEM,Mr. Blankfein announced that the Tsinghua School of Economics and Management (SEM)is expanding its role in the Goldman Sachs 10,000 Women initiative by launching an innovative new partnership with the Yale University School of Public Health.
“10,000 Womenis a remarkable network of partners from the public and private sectors, all focused on building economic opportunity and growth through business and management education,” said Blankfein. “Today we are honored to help forge this partnership withTsinghuaUniversityandYaleUniversity, two of the world’s leading academic institutions.”

Dean Qian sent a welcoming speech on the occasion. Dean Qian said, “10,000 Women is Goldman Sachs’ newest philanthropic initiative, which is seeking to train 10,000 underserved women entrepreneurs around the world with a business education. Tsinghua SEM is pleased to be a partner of Goldman Sachs in the 10,000 Women program.”
Dean Qian also mentioned that, Tsinghua SEM and Goldman Sachs have been in collaborating partnership since 2000 when Former Chairman & CEO Mr. Henry H. Paulson helped us found the Advisory Board of our School. Since then, Goldman Sachs has been a strong supporter for many activities at our school, including the founding of China Centre for Financial Research, faculty development program and the joint executive education programs between Tsinghua SEM andHarvardBusinessSchool.

Together, Yale and Tsinghua willprovide a training program inbusiness and managementeducation formiddlelevel and seniormanagers in healthcare.The curriculum will coverscientific problemincludinghealth care organizations, quality management and evaluation, HR management, financial management, crisis management and leadership.It will be launchedin 2009 and will ultimately train 500 managers in the healthcare sector over the next five years.
The Yale partnership is the second Tsinghua program in the 10,000 Women initiative. In September2008, TsinghuaSEMforged a partnership with HEC Paris to create the 10,000 Women Entrepreneurship Track Program forundeservedChinese women entrepreneurs.This program will train Chinese women who aspire to or currently operate their own businesses. The certificate program will provide 450 women over 5 years with an integrated entrepreneurial and managerial education. The first class is scheduled to begin on the Tsinghua campus next year.
The Goldman Sachs10,000 Womeninitiative was launched March 5, 2008.It is a global effort providing 10,000 underserved women, predominantly in developing and emerging markets, with business and management education.The Goldman Sachs 10,000 Women initiative will commit $100 million over the next five years and has partnered with more than 50 universities and organizations in Africa, Asia, Europe, Latin America, the Middle East andUnited Statesto seek, create and develop programs to impact the quality and capacity of business education in developing regions around the world.