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2007 / 03
From 27th Jan, to 4th Feb, Tsinghua team of the STEP( the Stanford -Tsinghua Exchange Program ), led by Professor Zhu Henyuan, associate Dean of Tsinghua SEM visited Stanford Graduate School of Busine...
2007 / 03
From 27th Jan, to 4th Feb, Tsinghua team of the STEP( the Stanford -Tsinghua Exchange Program ), led by Professor Zhu Henyuan, associate Dean of Tsinghua SEM visited Stanford Graduate School of Busine...
2007 / 03
A delegation of Dow Chemical Company headed by Ms Pam Butcher, the Global VP of Dow, visited Tsinghua SEM onMarch 12, 2007. Vice-president of Tsinghua University Chen Xu, Associate Dean of SEM Zhu Hen...
2007 / 03
Tsinghua SEM & INSEAD MBA Disney Joint Case Competition took place on March 3rd. 30 MBAs from INSEAD came to Tsinghua SEM and spent one day with 21 Tsinghua MBAs to participate in the event. The busin...
2007 / 03
Dean Qian Yingyi was invited to be on the Board of Dean's Advisors of Harvard Business School, with the tenure from 2007-2010. Comprised of the HBS alumni and those who have close ties with HBS, the B...
2007 / 03
Tsinghua SEM beat 11 other teams to become the winner of the 2007 Copenhagen Business School Case Competition. At the Award Banquet in the marvelous rooms of Moltkes Palae, the result of CBS Case Comp...
2007 / 02
The award ceremony of "Chinese Top 10 Talents (2006)" was held onFeb. 4, 2007at the Great Hall of the People with 100 elites from various industries inChinawinning the honor. The award ceremony was at...
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