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2007 / 02
1, Prof. Qian Yingyi assumed the post of Dean of Tsinghua SEM 2, Tsinghua SEM, HSBC jointly carry out research on financial development in rural areas of China 3, Far Eastern Meeting of The Econometri...
2007 / 02
Faculty and staff members of Tsinghua SEM gathered at the International Hall of Weilun Building onFebruary 2, 2007for the School's Review Conference on the Work of 2006, summarizing their work in the ...
2007 / 01
The Associate Dean of Tsinghua SEM, Prof.Chen Zhangwu and the Director of Alumni Service Office, Prof. Pan Qingzhong met with the representative of President of Sony Corporation, Kenji Kurosawa and hi...
2007 / 01
President & CEO of Qingyun Venture Capital(previously known as Tsinghua Venture Capital) Ye Dong was invited to Tsinghua SEM on Jan.12, sharing with students his experience as well as insights and vis...
2007 / 01
Distinguished economists from universities and research institutions inBeijinggathered together at Shunde Building of SEM onJan 15, 2007for the symposium on the Rate of Return to Capital inChina, enga...
2007 / 01
Passion, creativity, dreams----wisdom was shinning when young entrepreneurs came close to young MBA students... On Dec.28,the 2006 MIT Sloan-Tsinghua SEM forum opened at Shunde Building, with theme o...
2007 / 01
A delegation fromHarvardBusinessSchoolconsisting of some 70 MBA students visited Tsinghua SEM during Jan.4-5 as a part of HBS's China Immersion Experience. With Chinese students, Harvard delegates par...
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