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2007 / 01
12 influential people in China's economic realm will be invited to deliver speeches at Tsinghua SEM during Jan. 5-11. The speakers are among 23 candidates for 2006 CCTV China Economic Annual Figures. ...
2006 / 12
Campus life was particularly rich and colorful at the end of December as professors, students, annuli, and guests from business community gathered together to celebrate the upcoming New Year. Wonderfu...
2006 / 12
Tsinghua delegation, consisting of graduate students from SEM took the top title at the 1st Consulting Case Study Contest for Beijing Higher Institutions on Dec.15.PekingUniversity(undergraduate team)...
2006 / 12
Prof. Qian Yingyi, Dean of Tsinghua SEM visited members of the Advisory Board of Tsinghua SEM in the United States during Dec.11-15. Pan Qingzhong, Director of the Resource Development Office, Tsinghu...
2006 / 12
序号 节目名称 Name 时长(Time Span) 班级(Class) 预计开始时间 1 舞蹈:浪漫华尔兹 Dance: Waltz 05:00 Dance Club 7:00 2 DV:如果I DV Show: Perhaps I 10:00 06I2 7:07 3 民族舞:七月火把节 Folk Dance: To...
2006 / 12
Tsinghua SEM defended its top title at “12.9 Chorus Contest” on December 9th by collecting three top prizes in the competition, after it took the honorin last year's event. Over 150 freshmen from Ts...
2006 / 12
Reminiscences from the Gourmet Day: By International Affairs Committee, MBA Students Association Dumplings, Beijing Dim Sum, Indian butter chicken, Mexican quesadilla, spaghettis, and even more… On N...
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