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2012 / 07
QIAN Yingyi, Dean of SEM, delivered an opening speech to welcome all the participants to the summer camp. He said, as an important part of recruitment of postgraduate students of finance, this program...
2012 / 07
Among the highlights of the conferences are plenaries addressed by four distinguished speakers. Dr. Darrell Duffie, Dean Witter Distinguished Chair Professor of Finance from Stanford University, share...
2012 / 07
Before the lecture, Professor LIU Lingling and company visited the Singapore Museum of Urban Planning, which gave them a better understanding of the major events that happened over the past 40 years i...
2012 / 07
The “Mostly OM” International Conference aims at providing a top academic exchange platform in the field of operation management initiated by Tsinghua SEM. Supported by various parties, “Mostly OM”...
2012 / 07
Six graduates representing bachelor, master, doctoral, MBA and EMBA students addressed the ceremony. XIANG Diya, graduate from Class Econ83 looked back on three "first times" during her 4 years' study...
2012 / 07
Professor QIAN Yingyi first delivered a welcome speech. He briefly introduced the history of Tsinghua University and SEM, and the current situation of faculty, curriculum reform, students and internat...
2012 / 07
Professor QIAN Yingyi said: "It is rare for business schools in universities to co-host activities with other schools or departments, let alone to integrate with them. The 'Management Science Going Be...
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