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SEM Held 2012 Commencement


Six graduates representing bachelor, master, doctoral, MBA and EMBA students addressed the ceremony. XIANG Diya, graduate from Class Econ83 looked back on three "first times" during her 4 years' study in SEM: The first time to score only 70 in an exam, the first time to visit rural China and the first time to go abroad. This caused great consonants among bachelor graduates. YANG Yanxiang from Master in Economics entering in 2010 will be working in Tibet after graduation. Upon departure, he wrote a classic-styled speech to express his ambitions for future work and blessings for all graduates. DOU Yifan, representative of doctoral students recollected memories of the consideration and help from his advisor during his study at SEM and abroad.He said he would take his advisor as an example and try to become a model teacher. WANG Xiaodi from class P2 was an MBA graduate; she commented on her3 years' study of pursuing MBA degree in her spare time with great humor and also expressed her emotional attachment to SEM. Her speech caused the most laughter and applause during the ceremony. JIANG Huaiyu from EMBA Class 2010F said emotionally that, EMBA in Tsinghua changed his life. He would always remember the education he got in Tsinghua, always care about the development of the university and always try to pay back. HE Yiou who graduated with Bachelor in Economics as the second major would soon become a doctoral student in MIT. She looked back on the double hardship studying economics besides her science major. At the time of graduation, all the pains seemed to have become pleasure in her heart.