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2012 / 08
Guo Jiao, executive president of Mycos, said the group surveyed more than 250,000 grads from over 200 universities, discovering that 70 percent of respondents had nailed down post-graduation jobs in J...
2012 / 08
On June 28, 2012, Professor CHEN Jining, President of Tsinghua University signed a resolution announcing that according to the University Council Meeting, QIAN Yingyi was appointed as Dean of SEM, and...
2012 / 08
The module comprises elective subjects. Each participant selects 4 subjects out of the 18 offered in accordance to his/her individual interests. The more popular subjects were Blue Ocean Strategy, Psy...
2012 / 08
China is known for an obsession with the first gold medal of the Olympics - many believe it portends for later success in the Games - which put extra pressure on shooters in the women's 10m air rifle,...
2012 / 07
Subsequently, Professor BAI Chong-en presented an academic report entitled The Pattern of Income Distribution and Economic Structure. Using humorous language and detailed data, he explicitly analyzed ...
2012 / 07
The panel discussion embarked the audience on a lively and engaged debate about the complementing characteristics of Chinese and European/Swiss Entrepreneurs. In the distinguished and generous environ...
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