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2010 / 06
The Center for Enterprise Growth and National Economic Security Research (CEGESR) was established at Tsinghua University by the School of Economics and Management, the Department of Engineering Physic...
2010 / 06
The world’s first research center exploring the “green leap” issue was established at Tsinghua University with the support of SEM, the Institute of Nuclear and New Energy Technology as well as the ...
2010 / 06
Professor WEI Jie, Director of the National Center for Economic Research, led a research team to investigate in Yiwu, the largest market city in the world as acknowledged by the UN and the World Bank....
2010 / 06
HONG Jing, a Principal at the global growth equity firm General Atlantic (GA), delivered a speech named “Private Equity Funds and Leadership” at the first Financial Leadership Forum of SEM. The Fina...
2010 / 06
33 business leaders from home and abroad joined the 2012 Tsinghua INSEAD EMBA Program (TIEMBA Program), starting their eighteen-month education at SEM. The participants come from sixteen countries. Th...
2010 / 06
A special four-day program on macro economic and financial analysis was offered at Tsinghua SEM for 55 department and bureau level cadres as part of an “elective study plan” of the Organizational De...
2010 / 06
The three-dayAsian Historical Economics Conference 2010 was held at the SEM, hosted by the Center for China in the World Economy (CCWE), co-organized by the University of Warwick, Hitotsubashi Univers...
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