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World's First Center for Green Leap Research Established at SEM


The world’s first research center exploring the “green leap” issue was established at Tsinghua University with the support of SEM, the Institute of Nuclear and New Energy Technology as well as the Department of Environmental Science and Engineering.

The concept “green leap” was proposed by Stuart Hart, Samuel C. Johnson Chair of Sustainable Global Enterprise and Professor of Management at Cornell University's Johnson School of Management. It tackles with the dilemma between economic boom and sustainable development, promoting the adoption of environment-friendly clean technologies in developing countries’ economic leap.

The Center for Green Leap Research (CGLR) aims to further researches and practices of “green leap” by combining Tsinghua University’s strengths in economics and management, nuclear and clean technology research, as well as environmental science and other related subjects. It also receives support from Cornell University, domestic and foreign enterprises, the Ministry of Science and Technology of China and other governmental units.

Professor Stuart Hart delivered a congratulation speech as the Co-Director of the Center. He said, the global economy is at the point of a grand transition that will lead to the third phase of capitalism. In this third phase, the rights will be restored to the vulnerable groups and the government should make sure all interest parties enjoy equal benefits, which means the environment should not be compromised for the profit of investors alone. At this turning point, according the Hart, new enterprises, including those with the “green leap mode,” will emerge and contribute to the general development.

He called the establishment of CGLR an exciting breakthrough, saying it is the first green leap research center established by a university with the support of three different academic units.

Dr. Mark Milstein, Director of the Center for Sustainable Global Enterprise at the Johnson Graduate School of Management at Cornell University, also congratulated the founding of the Center. The Center will be a special platform that promotes creative cooperation among enterprises and researchers in the world, said Dr. Milstein.

Speakers at the ceremony also include Professor XIE Weihe, Vice President of Tsinghua University, Professor YANG Bin, Senior Associate Dean of SEM, Professor WANG Jianlong, Vice Director of the Institute of Nuclear and New Energy Technology, and Professor SHI Lei from the Department of Environmental Science and Engineering.

“Green leap is not a matter confined to China or Tsinghua. It is a global endeavor. ” Said Professor XIE Weihe, “the Center should converge different subjects and draw together researchers all over the world.”

Professor YANG Bin explained the profound influence of green development on management education in his speech. “It is the trend of management education to instill in business students a sense of responsibility and green development.” He said.

The management committee of the Center is headed by Professor XIE Weihe. Professor TONG Yunhuan serves as the Director of the Center, with Professor WANG Jianlong and Professor SHI Lei as Vice Directors.