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2024 / 01

Tsinghua SEM won three second prizes for outstanding research outputs at the recent 17th Beijing Excellent Achievement Award in Philosophy and Social Sciences. 

2024 / 01

The academic paper The Financing of Local Government in China: Stimulus Loan Wanes and Shadow Banking Waxes, co-authored by LIU Chun, Associate Professor of Tsinghua SEM, CHEN Zhuo (Tsinghua PBCSF) and HE Zhiguo (University of Chicago) won the 6th Liu Shibai Economics Award.

2023 / 12

The final of the 5th SDG Open Hack@Tsinghua University took place on November 26, 2023. Eighteen innovative teams from 21 hacks competed in the final stage. 

2023 / 12

Béatrice Guillaume-Grabisch, executive vice president and global head of human resources and business services at Nestlé Group, visited Tsinghua SEM for a dialogue and exchange with Tsinghua students. 

2023 / 12

Tsinghua SEM announced a new executive education project called "Intelligent Manufacturing in China+", which is committed to cultivating talents for China's intelligent manufacturing fields to power new industrialization.

2023 / 12

Tsinghua SEM held a panel discussion with Microsoft themed "Accelerating Sustainability with Technology" on December 6, 2023.

2023 / 12

Manuela V. Ferro, vice president East Asia and Pacific at the World Bank, visited Tsinghua SEM and spoke about achieving sustainable development in an uncertain world and addressed the opportunities and challenges facing economic recovery in East Asia. 

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