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Nestlé top executive and delegation visit Tsinghua SEM


Béatrice Guillaume-Grabisch, executive vice president and global head of human resources and business services at Nestlé Group, visited the School of Economics and Management at Tsinghua University (Tsinghua SEM) for a dialogue and exchange with Tsinghua students on the afternoon of November 20, 2023 in Beijing. It was Guillaume-Grabisch's first visit to the school.

HE Ping, vice dean of Tsinghua SEM, met with the Nestlé delegation and welcomed them on behalf of the school. HE introduced recent cooperation agreements between the school and Nestlé, and said the school looked forward to continuing communication and collaboration with Nestlé.

Nestlé and Tsinghua representatives speak at the meeting.

The meeting was attended by CHI Wei, assistant dean of Tsinghua SEM; JIAO Fangxing, secretary general of Tsinghua SEM Alumni Association; HAO Xiuqing, director of Tsinghua x-lab; and GU Yingjie, director of the Career Development Center at Tsinghua SEM. They spoke with the Nestlé delegation about specific work in their departments.

Participants pose for a group photo.

Before the meeting, HAO Xiuqing led the Nestlé delegation on a tour of the school, making a special stop at Tsinghua x-lab's new space on the sixth floor of Jianhua Building. She introduced the cooperation and innovation partnerships between Tsinghua x-lab and enterprises.

As a member enterprise of Tsinghua SEM's Advisory Board, Nestlé communicates and cooperates with the school in sustainable development and talent cultivation. Béatrice Guillaume-Grabisch explained Nestlé's talent development strategy and management practices, as well as the company's initiatives to attract young talent.

Béatrice Guillaume-Grabisch speaks with students.

Following that, CHI Wei hosted a dialogue session to explore Nestlé's talent strategy and corporate culture with Béatrice Guillaume-Grabisch and LIU Xiaohui, senior vice president of Corporate Human Resources Zone Greater China at Nestlé. They spoke with students about skills that can help students maintain a career advantage with the rapid development of ChatGPT, Nestlé's future talent strategies, and talent management during the global health crisis caused by COVID-19. They encouraged students to stay curious, embrace change, and engage in lifelong learning.

From left to right: CHI Wei, Béatrice Guillaume-Grabisch, and LIU Xiaohui spoke with students about how to maintain a career advantage.

Participants pose for a photo.