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2016 / 09
This course will cover 14 topics, including "Thoughts on Education", "Macroeconomic Management", "Enterprise Reform", "Industrial Development", "Fiscal and Taxation Reform", "Social Welfare System", "...
2016 / 09
The orientation for undergraduate exchange students included course registration, introduction of practical information and campus exploration. 57 exchange students from 16 countries participated in t...
2016 / 09
A new hardback edition of "ZHU Rongji Meets the Press",a collection of talks and interviews given by ZHU Rongji, founding dean of Tsinghua SEM, was published in Beijing on September 8, 2016. The new...
2016 / 08
Professor XU Xin, Associate Dean of the School, gave the new students a welcoming speech entitled “Broad Knowledge Base: Foundation of Undergraduate Education”. The speech started with the School’s...
2016 / 08
QIAN Yingyi, MAO Donghui, ZHANG Wei, GAO Jian from Tsinghua SEM and DONG Yuan from Graduate School, were honored with the first prize for their joint project “Tsinghua x-lab: Exploration of Innovatio...
2016 / 08
HAO Jingfang has published two full-length novels, Wandering Maearth and Return to Charon; a book of cultural essays, Europe in Time; and the short story collection, Star Travellers. She was also nomi...
2016 / 08
But the result, this time around, came with far different emotions for Yi, as she finished third by scoring 185.4 points with 18 shots in the final – knocked out before the final two-bullet shootout ...
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