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2016 / 06
In June 2016, CHEN Yubo, professor of Marketing, Associate Dean and director of Center for Internet Development and Governance at Tsinghua University School of Economics and Management (Tsinghua SEM),...
2016 / 06
The first activities were already initiated in May of this year, when seven teams from Technische Universität München worked at Tsinghua x-lab in Beijing together with seven teams from Tsinghua Univer...
2016 / 06
In the introductory remarks, Tsinghua SEM Dean QIAN Yingyi welcomed U.S. Secretary of Treasury Jacob Lew to Tsinghua University and the School of Economic and Management. Dean QIAN introduced the Secr...
2016 / 06
According to Mao, Tsinghua x-lab is more than an incubator. It is an extensive platform that involves the entire Tsinghua community and even provides comprehensive external resources for student entre...
2016 / 05
In addition to his class supervisor role, Professor LI is also is teaching SEM’s Industrial Organization courses. When asked whether the findings from his research will be applied to his classes, Pro...
2016 / 05
On May 15th, after the final lecture of the course, Professor HE Ping from Finance Department of Tsinghua SEM had an hour-long dialogue with Professor Ferguson. Professor HE directed a wide range of p...
2016 / 05
Tsinghua SEM’s Advanced Management Program in Fashion and Luxury program was launched in 2006. In collaboration with HEC Paris and IFM (Institut Français de la Mode), the program aims to promote inte...
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