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Institute for Industrial Innovation and Finance, Tsinghua University

◢ Introduction

Established in 2016, the Institute for Industrial Innovation and Finance, Tsinghua University is a university-level scientific research institution in Tsinghua University. The institute was built together with the School of Economics and Management, the School of Materials Science and Engineering, the School of Software, the Department of Energy and Power Engineering, and the Department of Electrical Engineering. Oriented at the high-level, deep-level, open and effective development, the institute gathers a group of interdisciplinary elite scientific research forces, builds up a team of full-time and part-time researchers from the government, enterprises and universities, and establishes the most extensive platform for cooperation and exchange with financial institutions, economic entities, research institutes, innovation parks and other social sectors, conducts research on major theoretical, policy and practical issues in the fields of industry, innovation and finance, promotes the cultivation of interdisciplinary practical talents in the fields of industrial innovation and finance, and carries out high-level academic activities with unique value influence and brand communication power. Through fruitful work, it has gradually built itself into a national strategic professional think tank, serving China’s industrial upgrading and economic development and improving Tsinghua University’s contribution to the national development.

◢ Contact

Tel: +86 10-82390375

Website: //www.iiif.crzipai.com/