



The Library

As one of the specialized and research-oriented sub-libraries of the University Library system, the School Library of Tsinghua SEM is located in the School's Shunde Building, which covers an area of 900 sqm, with 100 seats. It has been entitled as Management Disciplines Center by China Academic Social Sciences and Humanities Library (CASHL) and provides services in management discipline together with the University Library.


The library holds a collection of over 100,000 Chinese-language books on economics and business administration, along with more than 10,000 foreign language titles. Approximately 6,000 new books are added to the collection annually. In addition, the School invests heavily each year in subscriptions to leading Chinese and international journals as well as influential newspapers and magazines in the financial and economics sectors. The library currently subscribes to 600 periodicals, 160 of them in foreign languages. In recognition of the growing trend towards digitalization, the School library has joined the University library in purchasing PROQUEST, EMERALD and other electronic databases.


From 2000, the library has begun to adopt the University unified INNOPAC system to manage book cataloging and circulation. Thanks to this change, readers are now able to make inquiries, reservations, book loans and renewals through campus network with the unified serial number system.

Two other services provided by the School library are worth mentioning: (1) help faculty and students place orders for textbooks published by international publishers; (2) provides information retrieval services for faculty members on relevant research projects and help to categorize the search results through Selective Dissemination of Information (SDI) service.