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2009 / 03
Tsinghua SEM has welcomed nearly 20 Tsinghua EMBA alumni who are attending the annual sessions of National People’s Congress (NPC) and Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) on Ma...
2009 / 03
Tsinghua SEM has opened the Seminar for Chinese Corporate CEOs on February 20, 2009. The seminar was jointly launched by Tsinghua SEM, China Federation of Industrial Economics and China Research Insti...
2009 / 03
Tsinghua Universtiy has won the 1strunner-up in the The mai Bangkok Business Challenge? @ Sasin held in Bangkok during Feburary 25 to March 1, meanwhile it also won the award for Best Business Plan——...
2009 / 03
Tsinghua Universtiy has won the 1strunner-up in the The mai Bangkok Business Challenge? @ Sasin held in Bangkok during Feburary 25 to March 1, meanwhile it also won the award for Best Business Plan—...
2009 / 03
Tsinghua University School of Economics and Management has announced the launching of Chinese Women's Entrepreneurial Management Program on March 2, 2009. The first class of the program will be opened...
2009 / 03
On February 26, 2009, Professor Wu Jinlian, one of the most prominent economists in China especially specializing in economic policy, delivered a speech entitled "China's countermeasures for global fi...
2009 / 02
Tsinghua SEM EMBA Program has seen the founding of its Alumni Association--Beijing Branch on January 10, 2009. The founding ceremony was witnessed by more than 1000 current students from EMBA Program ...
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