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2008 / 05
Tsinghua teachers and students queued up to donate blood for the injured in earthquake in Sichuan Province, on May 13, 2008. The donation lasted till 1:00 am on May 14. During the day alone, there wer...
2008 / 05
May 14, 2008 Qian Yingyi Dean, School of Economics and Management Tsinghua University #1, Qinghua Yuan Beijing 100084 China Dear Dean Qian, On behalf of AACSB International, its Board of Directors, st...
2008 / 05
The Olympic flame officially began its "Journey of Harmony" on the Chinese mainland from Sanya on Sunday, May 4, 2008, after touring 19 cities on five continents and China's Hong Kong and Macao region...
2008 / 05
Tsinghua SEM has founded its China Research Center for Insurance and Risk Management on April 29, 2008. The Center was established under financial support of Zurich Financial Services. With the financ...
2008 / 05
Students from "Tsinghua MBA China Tour Program" began their visit to East China's Yiyu City of Zhejiang Province on April 24, where they visited Yiwu International Trade City, some renowned local busi...
2008 / 04
Tsinghua SEM has successfully won the champion title at the 51th Ma Yuehan Cup Sports Meeting as its last event (track-and-field) was closed on April 27, 2008. It’s the tenth time for the School to l...
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