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2007 / 06
From May 21 to 25, a delegation comprised of more than 50 EMBAs from HEC-Paris, led by Sylvie Gueye, director of the HEC EMBA program, visited Tsinghua SEM, with five-day full schedule of a series of ...
2007 / 05
The International Symposium of Design Science in Management Research, jointly hosted bySchoolofEconomicsand Management,TsinghuaUniversity, Faculty of Business of theHong KongPolytechnicUniversity,Grad...
2007 / 05
About 150 professionals in management education around the world gathered together inBeijingfor 2007 AACSB International World Class Practices in Management Education Conference duringMay 20-22, 2007....
2007 / 05
The annul meeting of Board of Dean’s Advisors of Harvard Business School was held during May10-11, 2007. Prof.Qian Yingyi, Dean of Tsinghua SEM attended the meetingas the member of the Board. Compris...
2007 / 05
OnMay 2, 2007, Dean of Tsinghua SEM Prof. Qian Yingyi and Director of Alumni and Development Office Pan Qingzhong visited the headquarters of Wal-Mart inBentonville,Arkansas, theUnited States, where t...
2007 / 04
On April 26,Minister of Economy and Finance of Italy Tommaso Padoa-Schioppa visitedSchoolofEconomicsand Management,TsinghuaUniversity(Tsinghua SEM) and delivered a speech entitled “The Economic and I...
2007 / 04
(Article provided by CDC) The 2007 Summer Internship Promotion of Tsinghua SEM has kicked off on April 19 as theCareerDevelopmentCenterheld its first On-campus Summer Internship Fair, right after Tsin...
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