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2021 / 11

Andrew Ian Smith (also known as "安逸") is a British national, currently located in Xiamen, and one of the first international business leaders who will join the Global Executive Program in China (GEP...

2021 / 11

The Association of Asia-Pacific Business Schools (AAPBS) held its 2021 council meeting and annual conference from November 10 to 13, 2021. The conference, held with the theme "Beyond Pandemic", explor...

2021 / 11

The review team conducts a virtual visit. The Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB) Peer Review Team (PRT) conducted a virtual visit at Tsinghua University School of Economics ...

2021 / 11

"Good things happen when smart people get together" is a guiding principle for Michael Oates, an Oxford-educated European businessman with more than 15 years' experience living and working in China. ...

2021 / 11

The finals of the 11th Tsinghua University Innovation Contest and 2022 Tsinghua University Creative Challenge (for freshman) were held at the Tsinghua University School of Economics and Management.

2021 / 10

Econometrics, edited by Tsinghua SEM Professors LI Zinai and PAN Wenqing, won first prize for being a National Excellent Textbook in the category of higher education. 

2021 / 10

Tsinghua University School of Economics and Management held its 2021 Advisory Board Meeting on the evening of October 19, 2021. It was the board's 22nd annual meeting since its establishment.

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