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2021 / 08
Recently, Liu Tracy Xiao, a tenured associate professor at the Department of Economics, School of Economics and Management (SEM), Tsinghua University, was appointed Associate Editor atManagement Scien...
2021 / 08

Dou Yifan, an associate professor at Fudan University School of Management, was appointed Associate Editor ofInformation Systems Research, a top journal in the field of information systems. Dou receiv...

2021 / 08
The Toyko 2020 first gold medalist Yang Qian is having a triumphant return with her coach and teammate Shi Mengyao. Yang Qian spoke at the welcome meeting. Vice President Yang Bin congratulated the ...
2021 / 08
Tsinghua University, Peking University and Shanghai Jiao Tong University, the three founding members of the Global MOOC Alliance (GMA), started the "Global Hybrid Classroom" (GHL) initiative to open u...
2021 / 08

August 14, 2021, Chair of the Global Asset Management Forum (GAMF) Executive Committee and Tsinghua SEM Dean BAI Chong-en spoke with John Thornton, Chair Emeritus of the Brookings Institution and non-...

2021 / 08
NSC International (NSC), an alumni founded company, donated to support the facilities of Tsinghua SEM's New Buildings. The donation ceremony, held on August 5, featured SEM Dean BAI Chong-En, Associat...
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