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2014 / 10
The AXA Group is a worldwide leader in insurance and asset management, with to 157,000 employees serving 102 million clients in 56 countries. In 2013, IFRS revenues amounted to EUR 91.2 billion and IF...
2014 / 10
TIEMBA seeks to develop distinct business leaders with an understanding of Eastern and Western approaches to business management by equipping its graduates with critical knowledge on both China and gl...
2014 / 10
The 3 new board members are from multinational corporations that have significant global influence. Anheuser-Busch InBev is the world’s largest brewer and is one of the top five consumer products com...
2014 / 10
Professor LU Bai highly praised the achievements of Tsinghua x-lab in fostering students’ creativity and cultivating interdisciplinary and experiential learning, and said that he would enhance in-dep...
2014 / 09
The undergraduate education at Tsinghua SEM aims to “make each student a fully developed modern person while also create an environment that promotes top talents”.  To achieve this goal, Tsinghua SE...
2014 / 09
This collaboration creates a world’s leading interdisciplinary program in business analytics that combines the two world-class institutions’ unique competencies. The dual degree program is designed ...
2014 / 09
Dean QIAN started from the definition of “human being” and “talent” and paid tribute to the SEM tradition – compared to cultivating talents, the school always takes important role to help student...
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