

ZHU Rongji Meets Tsinghua SEM Advisory Board


On October 26, 2011, ZHU Rongji, Founding Dean of Tsinghua SEM, Former Premier of the State Council, and Honorary Chairman of SEM Advisory Board, along with WANG Qishan, Member of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee, Vice-Premier of the State Council, and Honorary Member of SEM Advisory Board; LIU Yandong, Member of the Politburo and State Councilor; MA Kai, State Councilor and Secretary-General of the State Council met with the Tsinghua SEM Advisory Board members at Diaoyutai State Guesthouse. Guests present at the meeting also included ZHOU Xiaochuan, Governor of People’s Bank of China; LIU Mingkang, Chairman of China Banking Regulatory Commission; LOU Jiwei, Chairman of China Investment Corporation; GUO Shuqing, Chairman of China Construction Bank; GU Binglin, President of Tsinghua University; HU Heping, Secretary of the CPC Committee at Tsinghua University; WANG Dazhong, Former President of Tsinghua University; and QIAN Yingyi, Dean of School of Economics and Management, Tsinghua University.

At the meeting

Initiated by SEM Founding Dean ZHU Rongji in 2000, the Advisory Board is holding its 12th annual meeting in 2011 upon Tsinghua Centennial Celebration. In the past 11 years, the Advisory Board has made numerous advices to the School and thus played a crucial role in Tsinghua SEM’s rapid development and its internationalization process.

During the 1.5-hour-long meeting, ZHU Rongji conveyed special thanks to all Advisory Board members for their keen support and contributions to Tsinghua SEM in the last decade. He then interacted with the Board members on key issues regarding SEM. “Each of you spends one day per year thinking about the development of Tsinghua SEM. We will benefit from this greatly.” Zhu Rongji said.

Group photo of participants

During the meeting, ZHU Rongji also reflected on his initial purpose upon founding the Advisory Board. He observed that: “The reason I invited you to be the Advisory Board members is that, I hope my SEM students could learn from you and model themselves on you. Hopefully in the future, they can become the same kind of fine persons as you are.”

The Board members highly praised the progress and achievements made by SEM in the previous year. ZHU Rongji then raised new expectations to the School: “The Advisory Board includes deans of four world-leading business schools. I propose SEM should set them as models to learn from in future development.”