

Chinese Vice Premier Zeng Peiyan Meets Tsinghua SEM Advisory Board Members


Chinese Vice Premier Zeng Peiyan met with some participants of the eighth meeting of the Advisory Board of Tsinghua SEM at the Great Hall of the People inBeijingonOctober 31, 2007.

The Vice Premier expressed his appreciation for Tsinghua SEM Advisory Board’s efforts in supporting China’s reform and opening-up especially in China’s education development, saying the Advisory Board has played a positive role in introducing advanced education mentality, enhancing teaching and research quality as well as creating more international ties for the School.

Zeng briefed the guests on the 17thCPC national congress and current Chinese economic situation. Zeng saidChinawould stick to the socialist road with Chinese characteristics and it would, in accordance with the requirements of the scientific outlook on development, speed up the pace of changing the mode of economic development and push for the sound and rapid development of the country's economy and society. He saidChina's economic development should be viewed from the perspective of industrialization, urbanization and economic globalization. Zeng saidChinawould improve its macro-control, avoid overheating which could arise from relatively fast economic growth, prevent inflation from price rises, and keep the momentum of its economic development going.

Zeng said he hoped the participants would continue to pay attention toChina's economic development and management education, and make new contributions to bilateral cooperation.

Participants attending the meeting includedChief Executive Officer and Chairman of GoldmanSachs Lloyd Blankfein, Chief Executive Officer of BP Tony Hayward, etc..

Set up in 2000, the Tsinghua SEM Advisory Board has 50 members. It consists of business leaders, politicians and scholars from the world's leading multinational corporations and academic institutions.