

The 2017 Advisory Board Meeting of Tsinghua University School of Economics and Management Held


On the morning of October 30, 2017, the 2017 Advisory Board Meeting of Tsinghua University School of Economics and Management (Tsinghua SEM) was held, with 38 Board members participating in the meeting and related activities. Since the Advisory Board’s inception in 2000, this was the 18th time that the annual meeting has been convened. The meeting was chaired by Jim Breyer, Chairman of Tsinghua SEM Advisory Board, Founder and CEO, Breyer Capital.


The 2017 Advisory Board Meeting of Tsinghua SEM


Jim Breyer, Chairman of Tsinghua SEM Advisory Board, Founder and CEO, Breyer Capital, chaired the 2017 Advisory Board Meeting of Tsinghua SEM

Dean QIAN Yingyi provided School Updates to the Board on six areas: Highlights of academic programs, International Recognitions, Academic discipline development strategy, Financial and infrastructure support, School culture development, Board member activities. He specially introduced that 16 Board members entered 17 Tsinghua SEM classrooms in the “Tsinghua Students Dialogue with Board Members” activities this year. And these activities were open to students from other schools and departments of Tsinghua University.


Dean QIAN Yingyi provided the Tsinghua SEM Update to the Advisory Board

This year, the main topics of the meeting were “Faculty Development” and “Faculty Research”. Executive Associate Dean BAI Chong-en and Associate Dean XU Xin provided updates on these two topics to the Board members, respectively.


Executive Associate Dean BAI Chong-en introduced Faculty Development to the Advisory Board


Associate Dean XU Xin introduced Faculty Research to the Advisory Board


Group Photo of the attendees of the 2017 Tsinghua SEM Advisory Board Meeting

The Advisory Board held an Exclusive Session after the tea break.

The Tsinghua SEM Advisory Board was established in October 2000, consisting of leading business executives, business school deans, renowned scholars including Nobel laureates in Economics, and Chinese government officials for economic and financial affairs. ZHU Rongji, the founding dean of Tsinghua SEM, is the Honorary Chairman. The Advisory Board aims to strengthen the external relations of the School, improve its overall accomplishments in education and research, and help to build it into a world-class school of economics and management.

Link:The Member List of the Advisory Board of Tsinghua University School of Economics and Management for Academic Year 2017-2018 Announced