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Apirl 20: US Management Consulting Expert Charles E. Day: An Analysis of Management Consulting Case


【Topic】An Analysis of Management Consulting Case

【Speaker】CharlesE. Day

【Time】2007-4-20 18:30-20:00

【Venue】Shunde Building, 102


【Organizer】China Business Research Center, Tsinghua University

【Target Audience】Faculty and Doctoral candidates, MBA

Introduction of the Speaker

Specialized Professional Experience

Management consulting in management of technology driven organizations for operating efficiency, cost-effectiveness and competitive advantage.Business case development, strategic planning, customer service and relationship development, leadership development, and integrated technical plans and implementation oversight are among services provided.Organizational assessment, management and customer service training, process/vision mapping with emphasis on stakeholder acceptance included.

Representative Consulting and Speaking Assignments

Developed technical plans and implementation oversight for airlines, cataloguers, market research, transit authorities, publishers, in/outbound customer services and sales contact centers, and electric, gas and water utility customer services to improve operating efficiencies and customer satisfaction.

Assisted Fortune 100 contact centers in achieving increased profitability including Time Telephone Marketing, Sara Lee Direct, National Geographic, CBS, Nordstrom, PBS, and Watson Worldwide.

Provided start-up assistance for telservices customer services organizations in banking, telemarketing and outsourced service bureaus; including site selection, voice and data systems acquisition, staff development, and operation performance measurement.

Served as Faculty Member for the International Quality andProductivityCenterin Customer Contact Centers Training; conducted contact center leadership development sessions across theUSA.

Co-authored “Best Practices for a Continually Improving Customer Responsive Organization” for American Water Works Research Foundation including twelve utilities and out-of-industry benchmark participants.

Provided business process reviews, customer service training, metric assessment and workload scheduling analyses for the cities ofPhiladelphia,Phoenix,Dallas,San Diego,Charleston,SC, Counties of Maryland,Washington,DC,Sacramento,CAandTacoma,WA.

Presented new business improvement initiatives using integrated telephone and computer related applications for competitive advantage at Executive Leadership Conference inDenver,CO.

Author of McGraw-Hill book, Call Center Operations: Profiting From Teleservices

Other Professional and Business Experience

Assistant to Senior VP External Affairs

Director, Corporate Telecommunications

Manager, Field Services Organization

Corporate Executive, System Planning and Standards Development

Specialist, Application Systems Design and Training

Consultant, Telecommunication Applications

Analyst, Computer Programming

Mathematician, Orbital Analysis

Teacher, College Mathematics

Academic Background

M.S. in Administration/Computer Science,George Washington University,Washington, D.C.

B.S. in Mathematics, Physics and Education,SavannahStateUniversity; graduated cum laude and member of Beta Kappa Chi Honor Society.